Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Please post your favorite 5 pictures you have taken and why. Here's an example:


This is a picture of my dog, Maya, that I took when she was a puppy.  I remember taking it and smiling because I felt like I captured the anticipation I would like to think that she has when she sits by the door all day waiting for me to come home.

Once you have completed that, please post 5 more pictures that are favorites of yours but are ones that were taken by someone else. For example:


Taken at the Olympics, I like this picture because of the specific moment that was captured. The swimmer next to Michael Phelps takes a quick look to see where he is at and his face says it all. He knows he won't be able to catch him. As a coach, this is a powerful image to share with players. Don't worry about what other people are doing, focus on what you can do better!

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