Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Please post your favorite 5 pictures you have taken and why. Here's an example:


This is a picture of my dog, Maya, that I took when she was a puppy.  I remember taking it and smiling because I felt like I captured the anticipation I would like to think that she has when she sits by the door all day waiting for me to come home.

Once you have completed that, please post 5 more pictures that are favorites of yours but are ones that were taken by someone else. For example:


Taken at the Olympics, I like this picture because of the specific moment that was captured. The swimmer next to Michael Phelps takes a quick look to see where he is at and his face says it all. He knows he won't be able to catch him. As a coach, this is a powerful image to share with players. Don't worry about what other people are doing, focus on what you can do better!

Welcome to Photography!

Welcome to Photography class here at HCHS! I am looking forward to a great semester. Your first assignment for class will be to create your own blog! This blog will be a great way to document and share your work. It will also give us another way to communicate throughout the semester.

Then you can respond to these questions in your first blog post. (Feel free to copy and paste these questions)

As we start this year together, what are some of your expectations for a class named Photography? 
Please take some time to answer this question in a blog post of your own along with these following questions...

1) What are your favorite pictures to take? (selfies, friends, family, events, places, etc)

2) If someone scrolled through your camera or phone, what would the majority of pictures be of?

3) Do you have a digital camera? If so, what kind/model?

4) Do you have a smartphone with a camera?

5) Do you have Instagram? Anyone you follow who takes amazing photos? Feel free to post a screenshot from their account.

6) What are you most looking forward to learning more about when it comes to photography?