Thursday, September 28, 2023


- Take pictures of ABC - you are looking for the whole alphabet!

- Indoors and outdoors

Name: First or Last
School Theme: Faith Like a Child
Word: A word that means something to you...

Monday, September 25, 2023

Time Lapse

Time lapse project. Read & watch all the videos below for more info:

A running assignment we will have throughout the semester will be a Time Lapse. When considering photography, a time lapse shows an event at a speed that is moving faster than it normally would...

- A sunset sinking in a matter of seconds
- A person aging years in a minute
- Seasons changing in the blink of an eye

You get the picture... Your job now is to investigate what you would like to capture for a time lapse. You will have the rest of the semester to complete it. I would love to watch these during the last week of class.


- Time
- Seasons
- Routines
- Growth
- Decay
- Appearing
- Disappearing

Need some inspiration? Watch these...

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Here is your assignment for today:

Grab a camera or your phone and a pass and choose a color! Once you have your one color that you are going to focus on, go and take pictures with that color as a dominant element in the image (think zoomed in, close up, the focal point). Find as many different ways as possible to do this!

Plan on taking at least 50 photos! Please plan on staying inside for this assignment and being back in the room by 10:15am. When you get back, upload your photos to your desktop and edit them in Photoshop. 

Plan on posting at least 15 color photos to your blog.  If you finish early, you can treat the rest of the hour like a study hall.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bird's Eye & Bug's Eye View

Bird's Eye & Bug's Eye View

Take pictures that challenge your perspective and point of view. Low for a bug's eye and high for a bird's eye. Climb trees, lay on the ground, etc

Edit these photos with different techniques we've learned:

- Color with black and white background

- Hue, color balance, saturation... 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Yearbook Photos

Hey all!

Here is today's instructions:

1. Go check out a camera

2. We will be taking "yearbook worthy" photos (see below for what to take pictures of)


- Library

- Main Street

- Cafeteria


- Students

- Teachers

This Week

- Homecoming

- Neon Day!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.
